Showing posts with label SMO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SMO. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Ten Important SEO Tips You Need to Know to Boost your Rankings

As a Digital Marketer you would know the vast changes that SEO has experienced in a decade. But certain steps that are being implemented in SEO remains stable .
Whenever there is a Google Algorithm Update, the way of doing SEO also gets changed. Some technique that are helpful to gain back links today may be zero tomorrow or in future, if some google algorithm update occurs.
Nothing can be predicted in SEO. But following certain steps effectively will help you to increase your organic traffic and improve your ranking in SERP’s.

Ten Important Steps you need to Follow in SEO

Proceed below to know the top ten tips that you should follow in SEO for reliable and penalty free rankings.

Tip 1: Page Load Speed

People search for some queries and your website get listed on the search engines.
Happy? But…
What if your website is taking too much of time to load?
Visitor will skip your website and go to another source. You may think this is not a big issue, but do you know that one second delay in page speed can cause 10% of loss in your conversion rate?
So now you would have known the importance of page load speed. Google had included the page load speed time also as one of the ranking factors in search engines.

Tip 2: Linking to other Websites

There is a negative feedback in the digital marketing field that linking to other blogs can affect your website’s growth, But this is wrong. If you link out to other sites which has relevant content, your site will have high value in search engines.

Tip 3: Make your content clear for Humans first

Many of the digital marketers have a wrong tactic that it's good enough to write an article just for the search engines to understand.
What if you are writing an article for your website, sharing it but that is not in the way to understand or not readable by the humans?
Your content should be simple, clear, precise, attractive and in an engaging way for the people to understand. The new focus on ROI and not the rankings. So adapt to simple and unique writing.
Tip 4: Focus on Inbound Links
Searching for blogs, commenting on both dofollow and nofollow blogs naturally will make your profile cool and effective. You can allow other authoritative sites to link on your website, this won't affect your rankings or ROI.
Tip 5: Implementing Software for your SEO
Once you are clear about your SEO goals, you should concentrate on various software to track your SEO.
Google Analytics, Search Console are the most common tools that are used to track your improvement on search engines. There are many different types of free and paid web analytics tools for the success.

Tip 6: Unique Meta tags for your site

The main thing a visitor sees in your website is the meta title and description of your website. Make it clear and relevant to your website so that visitors comes and there are chances of converting them into leads.

Tip 7: Focus Page URL

If your website is about Search engine updates , you must clearly have the keyword in your Permalink URL ,that could be understood by humans .This will make your site more leverage and powerful.
Tip 8: Social Signals
Social Signals are very important to promote your website. People know easily about your website if you share your posts in various social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram etc.
Tip 9: Right Keywords in your Images
SEO is nothing if you don't have images in your website. Google has a section for Images in their page. Do you know why? This is a effective seo tool for your website to know. If you are giving right keywords for your image, your site would get valuable traffic .
Tip 10: Unique & Fresh Content
The main drawback of a digital marketer is not creating a unique content for their website. A fresh and unique content is the mandatory one for your website to go places in search engines.
Focus on unique, fresh, relevant content for an effective and stable rankings in the SERP’s , also it helps your ranking to last longer.
Final Words…
The important process in SEO is to choose the right keywords for your website to rank in SERP’s. Always prefer long tail keywords rather choosing short-term keywords.
For Eg if you need a keyword for social media effective updates, you can take the same as your keyword instead of choosing Social media as a keyword. Long tail keywords only can help you to reach the target easily and effectively.
I assure that if you are following the above steps genuinely and regularly you definitely will see your keywords improving in search engines and you will acquire more leads.
What SEO technique you are following to improve your ranking on the SERP’s?

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Why White Hat Technique For Ranking Higher In Search Engines?

Happy to meet you all in my blog with a great concept today. We are all into the Digital Marketing field and Effective SEO here has a cent percent role in our business. Without SEO we would not be able to rank our keywords in search engines. Coming to SEO, we have  two techniques namely Black Hat and White Hat Techniques .

More people go with Black Hat techniques to rank faster their keywords, but we all knows this is not gonna save us for a long term, anything which violate the Google guidelines would go dead soon. Knowingly we all does this. What happens if Google changed the algorithm in the way like ranked keywords using Black Hat Techniques will disappear in search engines? This is the time to think! 

Over coming so many updates like Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, Pigeon etc soon google may bring an change likewise, we cant assure what will happen with Google every seconds. So lets plan to do anything wisely that wont violate the Google's guidelines and rank higher in Search Engines. So White Hat Technique would be the right choice.. Am i right?? Lets see today how to deal with White Hat..

I would say doing White Hat Technique is not going to be that much hard, once you decide to start with White hat then do remember the steps.

1. Keyword Research which would produce ROI
2. Creating a Valuable Content
3. Marketing Your Content
4. Building Relationship 
5. Selling it

When you take keyword research you can use the Google Keyword Planner tool to identify and select the right keyword for which you are gonna rank in search engine. Next comes the content, a good quality , interesting attractive content will always win! Now when your content is ready, make sure to market your content, there are many social media websites like Facebook, LinkedIn,Twitter etc to market your article, don't just stop doing only in these sites, make sure to post it into sites like social bookmarking, blogs, forums,guest posting sites etc. By doing this you can build relationship with many users, active participation in forums, blogs can also help you in many ways. so you reach people then users start buying your product or anything that you deal with..

So now lets know some White Hat Techniques to do it effectively..

1. Guest Posting :

Posting your article which has a quality and attractive content into others blog or website  is Guest Posting. By doing this you would let your site popular and you can build relationship with the bloggers. If your content is good, users stay and read your full article which would have your links, this would help in people coming to your website which is treated as direct visitors for your site. Also you could post your website links in authors bio.I think this is one of the important and effective link building technique in the coming years.

2. Blogs And Forum Posting :

Now a days you can find many bloggers, choose the right blog which would be suitable for you to relate to your website and participate in the comment postings, You can read the article completely and start commenting in a way that pleases the blogger and also relate your website, just commenting Hey yaar nice article , great post , thanks for sharing might not help you! Think unique and wiser and make it in a engaging way, your comment should make other users to reply you so that you can actively go on with and relate your any blog which has your links. It should really be informative and helpful to the users. 

Participating in Forum is also a great way to build relationship and you can get niche related backlinks, Please do not spam it, if you does then it wont help you anymore. Search for the right forums and quality ones and sign up, You can start new topics too so that users answer your post and you can engage in right way. Also you can find the related forum topics and give right suggestions and solving their queries, this would really increasing the engagement with the users. Do not worry about the backlinks you get, whether it may be "do follow" or "no follow".

3. Infographics & Whitepapers :

As the technology is getting developed people are becoming more lazy, they find it something ruling over , instead of reading a full article they prefer to go with images or videos. So make sure you create whitepaper , infographics. Also this infographic would let the people understand in a easy manner. So many has started with infographics, if you haven't started, just don't think of it, start creating a infographics now! By this you can get stronger influence due to high engaging users.

4. Social Media Sites :

Social Media optimization is like to be a part of SEO now, using these social media sites you really promote your website.Sharing your content on social media will result in many backlinks to your site. Facebook sharing, Twitter tweeting, Blog likes, Google Plus ones, and many are there which will help you in geting engaged , as i said in above paragraphs do remember to share your content on social bookmarking site and many social sites. Through social media you cant get backlinks but these engage people to your site. You all know what engaging users to site leads  ??? Yeah Backlinks!

Doing this White Hat Techniques will sure bring you success and the main fact is doing it will be there for long term. Your results are gonna explode.. Lets discuss in the comments section below for the further discussions..